
Monday, April 25, 2011

Books - My Rookie Post

I'm a blog rookie, these first few blogs will probably be awkward and wordy, but I'm ok with that. I'll learn and get better with more entries. My blog is an online journal, and I'm not really sure where to start. There's so much to talk about, so many thoughts crammed in my head to share about life, children, adopting, working, creating, loving, chillin. I've been thinking about doing this blog for so long and it took me forever to do it mostly because I didn't know where to start. But I had an idea - a photo a day from my Hipstomatic iPhone app or my Nikon, my two favorite pieces of technology. And a few rambling original thoughts from my head. In my next entry I'll give the Who, What, Why, Where and When, but this blog is dedicated to Original Thought, my Emma Bean, and my city Beantown.
As my very first online blog entry it seems counter-intuitive to show a photo of books, given that the internet will eventually lead the way to the demise of books. But that's why I took this picture, and why I like the rows of books outside the Old South Meeting House. I'm afraid one day they won't exist. Probably not for several generations, but there are only so many trees and as much as I LOVE, love love my books I also love my planet.

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